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Supply Updates

Transition to Lifestyles Condoms

Lifestyles condomOur current supplier Durex is unable to meet the volume demands of BC for lube and non-lube condoms and is no longer making flavored condoms. We will transition to Lifestyles condoms as warehouse supply of Durex finishes. Note that there are change in volumes for Durex flavored lubricated (1000/box) to the new Lifestyles flavored condoms (144/box). 

Change in Naloxone Formulation

Bottle of naloxoneThe manufacturer is switching from tinted to clear ampoules. This change will not affect us for another 1-2 years since the naloxone in the current kits will not expire until fall 2014 or spring 2015.

A reminder to everyone that naloxone is light-sensitive and should be stored in a cool, dark place. For the naloxone kits, the vials are protected from light by the amber vials and surrounding gauze. Clients should be advised to keep the kits away from heat, as it may affect the stability and efficacy of the naloxone. 

How To Order Harm Reduction Supplies

Supply CatalogueSupplies can be ordered by harm reduction distribution sites which are approved by the appropriate regional health authority. The harm reduction supply requisition form available online on the BCCDC website should be used and ordered at the same time as other harm reduction supplies. The completed form is faxed to BCCDC.

Check out the complete Supply Catalogue, along with descriptions of each product, on

In Vancouver, fewer people were sharing needles in 2011 than were in 1996, and there were fewer new infections of HIV and hepatitis C related to sharing needles. The Drug Situation in Vancouver report concluded that, contrary to popular belief, harm reduction programs in Vancouver have resulted in lower drug use, fewer new cases of hepatitis C and HIV, and increased access to addiction treatment

BC Harm Reduction Strategies and Services Committee’s latest Policy Indicators Report is now available. Learn how BC HRSS is meeting its goals in reducing disease incidence, improving access to health and social services, and ensuring full and equitable access to harm reduction programs across BC.