Thank You for Supporting Harm Reduction Services and Strategies in BC!
In this second issue of the Toward the Heart E-zine, we summarize some of the latest research and evaluation on harm reduction, feature current activities throughout the province, and provide resources for education and support.
In 2011, the BC Harm Reduction Program delivered more than 6 million needles/syringes to harm reduction distribution sites across the province (see the map above). These sites then sent needles/syringes, along with other harm reduction supplies, to various services in the local community to increase our reach. For more information about our harm reduction distribution sites check out our Indicators Report.
Harm Reduction Supply Update
BC's Take Home Naloxone (THN) Program
The BC Harm Reduction Program has shared details of the BC Overdose and Response program (including Take Home Naloxone). The details of the program can be found on our new Naloxone webpage.
We would like to thank everyone for their contributions in creating this program. By working together we hope to decrease morbidity and mortality related to opioid overdose.