Health Professionals
Health professionals and service providers have an important role to play in harm reduction. This area contains resources and other information to help those on the front line and beyond.
VCH - Drug Alert - VancouverMarch 21, 2025 • Posted by Vancouver Coastal Health
***Drug Alert - Vancouver - Mar 21, 2025***
VCH has issued a drug alert.
White pressed tablet with imprint "SS/20" sold as oxycodone in Vancouver tested positive for fentanyl and benzos and negative for oxycodone.
Check your drugs
VCH - Drug Alert - Powell RiverMarch 19, 2025 • Posted by Vancouver Coastal Health
***Drug Alert - Powell River - Mar 19, 2025***
VCH has issued a drug alert.
Multiple samples (blue chunks, pink chunks, pink granules) sold as down in Powell River tested positive for carfentanil.
Test your drugs in the qathet region:
Harm Reduction Timelines
Opioid Substitution (Agonist) Treatment in BC
A timeline of Opioid Substitution (Agonist) Treatment in BC
Naloxone Timeline
History of the Take Home Naloxone Program
A history of the Take Home Naloxone program in British Columbia
Information Sheets
Naloxone FAQ
This document addresses frequently asked questions related to the drug Naloxone, which is provided through the BCCDC's Take Home Naloxone program.
Naloxone Pre-Loading Concerns
This document addresses concerns with pre-loading naloxone into syringes for administration.
Naloxone and Temperature - PDF
This information provides information about naloxone exposure to heat and cold as well as storage temperature recommendations.
Product Monograph - Teligent
This document contains information about the naloxone manufactured by Teligent. This product is included in the BC Take Home Naloxone and Facility Overdose Response Box programs. This product does not contain a preservative.
Product Monograph - Sandoz
This document contains information about the naloxone manufactured by Sandoz. This product is the secondary (back-up) product periodically included in the BC Take Home Naloxone and Facility Overdose Response Box programs. This product contains preservative. All sites will be notified if/when this product is used.
Teligent Product Info Sheet - Non Prescription Naloxone
This document contains information about the non-prescription naloxone manufactured by Teligent. This product is included in the BC Take Home Naloxone and Facility Overdose Response Box programs. This product is the same formulation as the Teligent prescription product, labelling differs to identify regulatory differences. This product does not contain a preservative.
Benzos/etizolam with opioids
Withdrawal from Benzodiazepines Mixed in the Illicit Drug Supply in BC
This information sheet for the general public provides information about withdrawal from benzos and benzo-like substances as it can be serious and require medical attention.
Etizolam in BC's Illicit Drug Market - Fact Sheet
This fact sheet provides information on etizolam and its presence in British Columbia's Illicit Drug Market.
Alert! Benzos on the Rise in Illicit Opioid Overdoses in BC
This article, written by Dr. Jessica Moe and published on the BC Emergency Network, outlines the prevelance of benzos in illicit opioids in BC and provides suggestions and resources for health care providers.
Potent sedatives in opioids in BC: implications for resuscitation,and benzos/etizolam withdrawal
This article, written by Purssell R, Buxton J, Godwin J, Moe J and published in BCMJ, provides information on implications for resuscitation, and benzodiazepine and etizolam withdrawal.
Single Use Syringes - PDF
This document addresses common concerns expressed in regards to the use of single-use syringes in the community.
Distribution Vs Exchange - PDF
This document summarizes why the BC Harm Reduction program follows a policy of needle distribution rather than one-for-one needle exchange.
Additional Resources
For further information regarding best practices related to needle distribution, safe needle disposal and community needle stick injuries, please refer to the Best Practice Recommendations and Guideline resources posted below.
Why Give Breaths?
Why Give Breaths? - PDF
Opioid overdose is one of a number of special situations where the American Heart Association recommends a different approach than only chest compressions. This information sheet provides information on the importance of giving breaths when responding to an opiod overdose.
Best Practice, Policies and Procedures
Guidelines and Recommendations
Harm Reduction Strategies and Services Policy and Guidelines
Newly updated (2022) Harm Reduction Strategies and Services Policy and Guidelines
Best Practice Recommendations - Needle Distribution
This information sheet helps to address questions about the effectiveness of needle distribution and safe needle disposal.
Best Practice Recommendations - Safe Needle Disposal
This information sheet outlines how to safely dispose of needles.
Best Practice Recommendations - Community Needle Stick Injuries
This information sheet outlines the risks of community needle stick injuries and what to do if a needle stick injury occurs.
Reference Document - Needle Distribution, Disposal and Injury Best Practices
This document provides references to support the information sheets above related to needle distribution, safe needle disposal and community needle stick injuries.
Guidelines for Providing Harm Reduction Services to Youth in BC
Guidelines for providing harm reduction services to youth in BC. This information also exists as Appendix 3 of the HRSS Policy and Guidelines. Last updated October, 2023.
BCCDC Opioid Overdose Response Toolkit (Dec 2020)
The opioid overdose response toolkit is intended for all service providers, including regulated and non-regulated service providers and paramedics, who are responding to opioid overdoses across British Columbia (BC). This toolkit does not replace workplace or employer overdose response (e.g., naloxone) policies and procedures; and does not apply to naloxone dispensation.
Overdose Prevention Sites
Best Practice Recommendations for Overdose Prevention at Meetings and Events
This document provides guidance about implementing temporary Overdose Prevention Services (OPS) at onsite meetings or events where attendees may use substances and be at risk of overdose.
Washroom Checklist in Service Settings
This document provides guidance for service providers to develop safer washroom policies and protocols with a focus on overdose prevention.
Housing Overdose Prevention Site Manual
Housing Overdose Prevention Site (HOPS) Manual developed by Vancouver Coastal Health - 2018 edition.
Engaging in Overdose Prevention Conversations
Developed by Fraser Health, this resources provides some key considerations regarding conversations about overdose prevention.
Community Impacts of Overdose Prevention Sites: An Evidence Review
This document summarizes a review of evidence related to the community impacts of overdose prevention services.
Communicating Drug Alerts
Communicating Drug Alerts
Health service providers communicate drug alerts when there is evidence to suggest an adulterated drug or drug of elevated potency is in circulation.
For futher information about communicating drug alerts, visit the BCCDC website.
Peer Engagement
Peer Work Community Research Report
Findings and recommendations from BC's Peer Engagement and Evaluation Project.
Peer Hiring Meeting Report 2019
The purpose of the peer hiring meeting was to gather feedback and input from peers, harm reduction coordinators and other health authority staff about the hiring of Indigenous Regional Peer Coordinators in each health authority to engage and support existing and emerging peer networks within their regions. This report highlights specific calls to action from the Truth and Reconcilliation Commision Report.
Paying Peers in Community Based Work
An overview of considerations for equitable compensation. Created in partnership with the Paying Peers Working Group - February 2018
Presentation: Peer Engagement in Harm Reduction
Peer Engagement in Harm Reduction: Development, implementation & evaluation of the Peer Engagement Best Practice Guidelines for BC Health Authorities.
Compassionate Engagement Modules
The Compassionate Engagement Modules are a series of interactive case studies about stigma and discrimination experienced by People Who Use Drugs (PWUD). These modules are designed to engage PWUD and the people who provide services to them (health care providers, frontline service providers, managers, and leadership). It works best when there are both PWUD and providers together.
HOC Resolution: Increasing Compassion & Inclusion in Harm Reduction
Health Officer's Council Resolution 145-03: Increasing Compassion and Inclusion in Harm Reduction Services.
Reports and Research
Research Brief: Meaning and Motivation of Work for Peers in Overdose Response Environments in BC
A research summary on the meaning and motivation of work for peers in overdose response settings based on data from eight focus groups conducted by the Peer2Peer research (November 2020).
Research Brief - Naloxone Distribution in BC and The Role of Community Pharmacies
A research summary on accessing THN in BC and the role of community pharmacies: results from the analysis of adminsitrative data (Sept 2020).
Naloxone Program Evaluations Summary (2019)
A summary from recent program evaluations on the Facility Overdose Response Box Program and the expansion of Take Home Naloxone in community pharmacies (Nov 2019).
Needs Assessment - Gender Affirming Supply Distribution
The intent of this needs assessment was to engage with the wider community to identify what is needed in order to increase access to lower barrier services for no-cost supplies for intramuscular (IM) or subcutaneous (SC) injections. This included ways the BCCDC can improve access to harm reduction supplies and services for the gender diverse, trans, and Two-Spirit communities.
Needs Assessment - Harm Reduction Curriculum
In response to requests from drug user and harm reduction communities across the province, this needs assessment was conducted to gain insight into the educational needs of people working in the field.
BC Harm Reduction Client Survey Background and Findings Report (May 2021)
This report provides an overview of background and findings of the BC harm reduction client survey throughout the years.
HRSS Indicators Report 2019 (July 2020)
BC Harm Reduction Strategies and Services (HRSS) Committee Policy Indicators Report including data until December 2019.
THN Evaluation Report - to December 2018
Overdose Recognition and Response in the BC Take Home Naloxone Program.
Review of data up to December 2018Evaluation of THN in Pharmacies
An evaluation of British Columbia's Take Home Naloxone Program in Community Pharmacies
FORB Program Evaluation Report
An evaluation of British Columbia's Facility Overdose Response Box (FORB) program.
Suggested Citation: Williams, S., Lewis-King, T., & Buxton, J.A. (2019). Evaluation of British Columbia’s Facility Overdose Response Box (FORB) Program. Vancouver, BC. BC Centre for Disease Control.
THN Evaluation Report - to July 2016
Overdose Recognition and Response in the BC Take Home Naloxone Program.
Review of data up to July 2016THN Evaluation Report - to March 2015
Overdose Recognition and Response in the BC Take Home Naloxone Program.
Review of data up to March 2015
Updates for Health Professionals