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For Registered Sites

This area is for harm reduction sites that are registered in one of our programs. Please visit our program pages for more information including how to register.

For registered sites, please see below for any current site alerts and how to report faulty supplies.

Notice: THN/FORB Shipping Update

THN/FORB Site Shipping 

Last Updated: June 26, 2024

  • With increased weekly volumes the program has been experiencing extended delivery periods for shipments to registered sites. Deliveries are currently beyond the 10 day delivery window. 
  • THN/FORB orders continue to be processed every Thursday.
  • If your site has a surplus of kits and may be able to support transfers to other sites in your community, please notify your regional harm reduction coordinator
  • Replacement naloxone bottles and loose supplies are available on the supply order form to re-fill used kits
  • If your site is becoming critically low on naloxone kits or has questions about an outstanding order please contact and your regional harm reduction coordinator.
  • Please ask to priortise any outstanding orders before submitting a new order form

Notice: Harm Reduction Supply Product Update

Harm Reduction Supply Product Update 

Last Updated: June 26, 2024

Please note our lubricant product has changed and order quantities have been updated on the order form. Please access the most updated form here


How to Report Faulty Supplies

If you have received faulty supplies, please provide the BCCDC with the following details:

o   product code

o   lot/serial #

o   site contact name and contact info

o   description of the problem

o   availability of samples

For faulty Harm Reduction supplies, please email details to and CC your local Harm Reduction Coordinator. 

For faulty Take Home Naloxone or Facility Overdose Response Box supplies, please email details to and CC your local Harm Reduction Coordinator. 

You may be contacted directly by the BCCDC pharmacy or by Stevens should they require  further information or need to arrange a sample to be returned to their warehouse. 




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